Costco Food Court update. I went to Costco today for a quick lunch. The now have ice cream Sundaes and ice cream cups at the Food court . The icecream sundae had choice between chocolate and peanuts or Strawberry and syrup over vanilla ice cream for $2.49 per cup. They also had vanilla Ice cream in a cup for $1.99. Instead of getting the ice cream sundae i went inside and got ice cream ( ) . My Youtube vlogs may have associated affiliate links to products that I may earn from qualifying purchases.
The Hotdog Combo is still $1.50 but there are no Condiments (ketchup , mustard, onions, or other toppings. Its just the bun , hot dog, and soda. Still good but kinda plain. I could have just bought the hotdog and bun by itself ( .
For pizza, they only had the choice between pepperoni or cheese pizza. But i could have gotten frozen pizza instead .
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