I made DIY improvements and mods with the two PM 2.5 Pollution Dust face masks with valve to follow up with the prior review
. It cost about $5 to10 ( https://amzn.to/2xy8hWj ), but I have seen this used when i was traveling 2 years ago with traveling to Beijing China due to the dust and pollution.
Disclaimer: For tech and safety specifics on respirators check with http://www.osha.gov or manufacturers such as 3M (www.3m.com) for info. For the Corona Virus I believe people should follow the Center for Disease control’s guidance. Here is CDC website on the Corona Virus ( https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/ ) . Btw, my Youtube vlogs and reviews may also have associated affiliate links to products that may earn from qualifying purchases.
I would use this for allergy , dust, or pollution mask, but not for wood working or DIY projects as its not rated for N95 or paint or anything. It is very light weight and will get dirty during DIY painting or wood work. I believe this is more fashionable for urban environments as they come in a variety of colors. Use a proper respirator for what you are working on.
Its washable but you need to remove the plastic valve. I noticed that the valve replaceable filters are single use and have adhesive to attach. I dont like this design and plan to modify it if i do use as a pollution mask. Stay tuned for that video.
I made a video previously of all the different masks I use for DIY projects:
as well as P100 mask review
. Soon i will review the 3m Aura 1870+ so stay tuned.
Its washable but you need to remove the plastic valve. I noticed that the valve replaceable filters are single use and have adhesive to attach. I dont like this design and decided to modify the design. The filters it included used an adhesive and the paper filter was harsh. I decided to modify the design by cutting a slit on the bottom part of the mask to be able to slide the filter into the mask like a sleeve. After cutting the it, I sewed back the edges and trim. In addition I also reinforced teh area where the valve sandwiches the fabric to prevent fraying.
Overall the mask is comfortable. but the inner fabric some sort of poly fabric and fleece material making it difficult to breathe. Also the valve is behind the poly fabric to air does not exhaust effectively. I may modify the cloth covering the valve in the future.
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This is what i do for entertainment and your viewing entertainment! Some of the stuff are entertaining, while some are just plain silly. If you do anything with your own property, you do so at your own risk.
Due to factors beyond the control of Sterlingwong, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. This information is for entertainment only. Sterlingwong assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. Sterlingwong recommends safe practices when working on personal property , vehicles, and / or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of Sterlingwong, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Sterlingwong.