Costco! 32 Degree Heat Men’s Base Layer Pant! $7 Review!

Winter is coming and i saw these 32 Degree Heat Men’s Base Layer Pants for $7 and i bought them and tried them out! They are very flexible and comfortable. good for and added layer for heat generation. It fits my thick thighs well. Medium size I got did not fit my waist very well, it was a tad loose. It may be better on a 33+ waist band for Medium size.

They also sell them on Amazon:



HONEY! Persimmon Honey from OTOW Farm!

i love visiting local farm stands and farms who sell their own honey especially those who have honey bee hives in their orchards. i usually like Otow farms because of their persimmons and dried persimmons which is their speciality. they actually ship nationally. i usually get their dried persimmons but today i also got a bottle of their farm honey. Tasty. super friendly people. its a really small farm store but its just pure and nice.

Their website:

Or you can get manuka honey see video here:
or buy: