Costco – Swallow Nest Beverage 8 Pack- Is it any good? $20

Guys, this looks interesting but has anyone tried this and does it taste good? i was thinking of getting this as a gift or to drink myself. Ist it a good price?
Please leave comments below thanks!

Costco, costco finds, swallow nest, swallow nest beverage, chinese drink, swallow drink, asian drinks, beverages, soup, is this good, is this worth it, review, golden west, golden west swallow nest

HONEY! Persimmon Honey from OTOW Farm!

i love visiting local farm stands and farms who sell their own honey especially those who have honey bee hives in their orchards. i usually like Otow farms because of their persimmons and dried persimmons which is their speciality. they actually ship nationally. i usually get their dried persimmons but today i also got a bottle of their farm honey. Tasty. super friendly people. its a really small farm store but its just pure and nice.

Their website:

Or you can get manuka honey see video here:
or buy: